Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Even though my typewriter xs an old model, xt works well, except for only one of the keys. X’ve wxshed many txmes that xt worked perfectly. True, there are forty-two keys functxonxng well enough, but just one key not workxng makes the dxfference. Sometxmes, xt seems to me that some organxzatxon are somewhat lxke my typewrxter- NOT ALL THE KEY PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER.

You may say, “Well, X’m only one person. Xt won’t make much dxfference.” But, you see, the organizatxon to be effxcxent needs the actxve xnvolvement of every person, of everyone. The next txme you feel your efforts aren’t needed, remember my typewriter, and say to yourself, “X’M A KEY PERSON AND NEEDED VERY MUCH.”

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